Video Marketing

Turbo Jam Workout Videos For Weight Loss

If it’s too good to be true…

Turbo Jam Workout Videos

As with any infomercial that makes things sound too good to be true, Pilates workout videos don’t work for everyone. And even when they do, it may not be necessary to spring for the whole ball of wax — “systems” that include not only the videos, but a meal plan, journal, and a letter from the host. It may be just as well to borrow a video from someone, or buy it used.

For example, the Mari Winsor Pilates infomercial shows many bodies that are highly unusual — not the typical results. Yet, it obviously gets people to buy the videos. Not that getting in that kind of shape is impossible.

Will You Stick to the program?

But, most people purchasing the videos will not stick to the program long enough to see such results. That’s how it is with most exercise programs. And those who have the kind of tenacity to perfect their abs to the degree pictured in the infomercial, probably do not need a Pilates video — they’d work out anyway.


This “system” contains a 20-minute workout, a 30-minute Basics video, a 1 hour advanced video, the above-mentioned extra materials, and something called the Winsor Dozen (a 10-minute Pilates workout featuring just 12 exercises, which makes it great for travel). The Mari Winsor Pilates system costs $60, with a $20 discount if you call within a time frame specified in the infomercial.

The 20-minute workout is kind of rushed.

Actually taking less than 20 minutes does not enable you to do any one exercise deeply. There are also no exercises designed to target the upper body. The exercises are quite doable, if you are already in decent shape, and will seem very simple if you are already experienced in Pilates, dance, yoga, or stretching.

The choreography is very simple

and not difficult to follow. Also, the host, Mari, can be annoying. She says “tushie” instead of buttocks — not very professional. But, she’s good at what she does and that’s what matters most. The 20-minute video does work, and you will feel better after doing it, just don’t force yourself to get it done in 20 minutes.

The advanced video can be very difficult

Due to the sequences of the exercises. However, it does work, if you work it. The more diligent you are about sticking with your program, the better the results, and these results can be dramatic.

Exercise videos are here to stay.

We like them because they make our lives easier, are inexpensive, and allow us the privacy to ease into a healthy lifestyle at our own pace. But what are pros for others become a major con for some especially those who need a more social environment to keep them going.

Exercise videos like Jane Fonda’s, Suzanne Somers’ and Richard Simmons’ have been very popular in the past.

Today, videos on yoga, pilates, kickboxing and belly dancing abound. The great variety is key to their longevity.

First on the pro list is convenience.

Exercise videos don’t require much trouble and effort on our part. We don’t even need to leave our homes and get hassled driving or dealing with the weather, traffic, parking, and gym sales staff. Just clear a space, press play and workout anytime.

Videos are inexpensive.

A one-time cost gives you a lifetime of workouts and if we don’t feel like it, we’re not pressured to train because our membership is almost up or the gym will be closing in an hour. And there are no monthly fees or hidden costs of gas, parking, and travel time.

For those who prefer privacy

exercise videos are a definite pro. Starting a program can be awkward and if we’re not used to certain movements or holding set counts, we easily get self-conscious and lose motivation. Add camouflage clothing versus sleek gym wear and we crawl to our home videos in great relief!

Social butterflies

That said, there are the social butterflies who like the interaction they get in gyms. They prefer real time feedback from their instructors and look for encouragement and support from their peers. In fact, the setting inspires them to achieve their goals.

Pros and cons

And so, the pros and cons of exercise videos have been laid out. We love their no-trouble, low maintenance quality, low cost and privacy options, but we do have to consider the lack of social interaction aspect of it. We need to evaluate our preferences in order to make the perfect choice for our lifestyle.

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